Guatemalan Sisters

Friday, September 08, 2006

A Tiny Baby Step

Happy Friday everyone. So today we have a tiny baby step. Senator Cantwell's office called and the US Embassy in Guatemala emailed them back and said I had finally emailed them the form they needed today. OK, so we won't point out that it's actually been mailed, faxed and emailed them countless times BEFORE today and frankly, I didn't send it today. Perhaps this means we're going to see pink next week.

Other big news this week is that Jayden has survived her first week of first grade. She likes her teacher, Mrs. Henderson, and tells me she's having a lot of fun. The big highlights seems to be that she gets three recesses, brings a snack to school, eats in a cafeteria, and they write in a journal every day. She also had three friends in her class going into the first day and that helped a lot. I did learn she gets lost a bit trying to find her classroom from outside on the play ground. Now if that isn't a heart breaker!

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Jayden's got her first soccer game tomorrow. It should be fun to watch. After years of very competitive basketball, it's nice to just watch the girls run around and chase each other.



Blogger Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Great news Ruth!!! I will pray for PINK to come next week.


12:30 PM  
Blogger U.N. Mama said...

Praying for PINK!!!!!!!!

7:10 PM  

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